Author Profile

Andra Zaharia

Security Evangelist

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As a Security Specialist at Heimdal Security, Andra has made it her mission to help users understand how cyber security works and why it’s essential for any Internet user in the world. Using her background in PR and communication, she singles out relevant subjects and extracts actionable market data and key examples to illustrate them.

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Andra Zaharia's Recent Articles


Ransomware Distribution: How One Infection Can Go Network-Wide

Ransomware Network Distribution Techniques and Sub-Techniques


All About CTB Locker Ransomware

An in-depth analysis of CTB Locker Ransomware

Data security | QUICK READ

Everything You Need To Know About CryptoWall

Learn how to keep your data protected from CryptoWall 3.0


JavaScript Malware – a Growing Trend Explained for Everyday Users

This type of malicious software can infect your computer without a single click


50+ Useful Cyber Security Online Courses You Should Explore

Learn more, start a career or improve your skills

All things Heimdal | QUICK READ

Heimdal Security – Nominated for Anti-Ransomware Solution of the Year

Show your support by voting for us at the 2017 Computing Security Awards


How to Apply the Windows Update that Patches the EternalBlue SMB Exploit

Here’s the step by step guide you need to get it done right now

Security alerts | QUICK READ

Security Alert: GootKit, Godzilla Infostealers Go For Financial Information

These examples show how cyber attackers operate to collect & steal your financial data

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Malicious Script Injections Use Nemucod To Spread Cerber Ransomware

This ransomware campaign uses a stealthy malware cocktail to encrypt your files

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Security Alert: LinkedIn Phishing Campaign Promises Security

Don’t fall for this email that cybercriminals use to obtain your confidential data

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Practical Online Protection: Where Malware Hides

Find out how cybercriminals disguise their malicious code in files you use every day

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131 Cybersecurity Tips that Anyone Can Apply

Online safety doesn’t have to be complicated and this list proves it

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Security Alert: Adwind RAT Used in Targeted Attacks with Zero AV Detection

This malware lets cyber criminals remotely control PCs and no antivirus can detect it

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50+ Internet Security Tips & Tricks from Top Experts

If you’re looking for a shortcut to better Internet security, this is the resource you need to read.


How to Protect Your PC with Multiple Layers of Security

Ask yourself: if one layer of defense falls, what will be left to protect you?

How to | SLOW READ

The Ultimate Guide to Angler Exploit Kit for Non-Technical People

In 2015, Angler enabled cyber criminals to steal and extort $34 million from their victims

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How to Master Your App Permissions So You Don’t Get Hacked – The Full Guide

Control who you give access to your data to and you’ll be a lot safer

Data security | SLOW READ

How Traffic Filtering Can Secure your PC from Cyber Threats

The bulk of cyber attacks are delivered through your Internet Traffic. But what if you could filter them out?


Spring Cleaning: How to Remove Old Software that makes your PC Vulnerable

Comes with step-by-step advice that will improve your data safety


How To Improve Your Online Safety: Sign up for The Daily Security Tip

This daily email will help you secure your online world

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Mazar BOT - the Android Malware That Can Erase Your Phone

The mobile malware that gives attackers full control over your mobile phone

How to | SLOW READ

Understanding Fileless Malware Infections – The Full Guide

How cyber criminals made their attacks undetectable by antivirus products

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Security Alert: Dridex malware creators deceive victims with fake IKEA receipt

Don’t fall for this type of scam that leverages your trust in established brands

How to | SLOW READ

15+ Online Habits That Are Compromising Your Online Safety

You are involuntarily exposing yourself to attack right now. Will you do something to change that?

Vulnerability | SLOW READ

Why Java Vulnerabilities Are One of Your Biggest Security Problems

This software used by millions is one of the key targets for cyber criminals

Security alerts | INTERMEDIATE READ

Security Alert: New spam run spreads banking infostealer in Dridex malware class [UPDATED]

The malicious document that infects your system with data-stealing malware

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