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Cybersecurity Basics

Cybersecurity Basics | INTERMEDIATE READ

Types of Keyloggers: Definition, Examples and Prevention

Keyloggers: On the Cusp Between Legality and Crime.

Cybersecurity Basics | INTERMEDIATE READ

What Are the Main Attack Vectors in Cybersecurity?

And how to protect your business from different attack vectors

Cybersecurity Basics | QUICK READ

What Is Malvertising?

How It Works and How to Protect Yourself.

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Intermittent Encryption Analysis

The Curious Case of LockFile and the Newest Encryption Tactic on the Market.

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Definition, Benefits, and Best Practices.

Cybersecurity Basics | INTERMEDIATE READ

What Is Vishing?

Everything You Need to Know about Voice Phishing Attacks.

Cybersecurity Basics | INTERMEDIATE READ

What Is Smishing?

Definition, Types of Attacks, Protection Measures, and More.

Cybersecurity Basics | QUICK READ

Why Do Organizations Need an Email Security Policy?

Steps to Build an Effective Email Security Policy.

Access Management | QUICK READ

The Complete Guide to XACML

How to Use XACML to Secure Your Data?

Cybersecurity Basics | QUICK READ

An In-Depth Look at Software-Defined Perimeters

How Are SDPs Helping Businesses Stay Safe?

Cybersecurity Basics | INTERMEDIATE READ

What Is Legacy Software and a Legacy System in Business + The Risks

What Counts as Legacy Software. Why Businesses Still Use Legacy Software and What They Risk.

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Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) Explained

Why SCRM Is Important for Your Organization.

Cybersecurity Basics | QUICK READ

What Is Ping of Death?

A Comprehensive Guide about PoD and How to Prevent It?

Access Management | INTERMEDIATE READ

Authentication vs. Authorization: the Difference Explained

Authentication and Authorization Concepts. Authentication & Authorization Methods.

Cybersecurity Basics | INTERMEDIATE READ

What Is S/MIME?

Why Is S/MIME Important for Email Security, and How Does It Work.

Cybersecurity Basics | INTERMEDIATE READ

What Is FOSS Software? Definition, Usage, and Vulnerabilities

FOSS (Free Open-Source Software) vs. OSS (Open-Source Software) vs. CSS (Closed-Source Software)

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