Author Profile

Mihaela Popa


Mihaela is a digital content creator for Heimdal® and the proud owner of an old soul and a curious mind. Passionate to learn and discover more about cybersecurity, she will gladly share her latest finds with you.

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Mihaela Popa's Recent Articles

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Banking Trojan Mispadu Found Responsible for 90,000+ Credentials Stolen

Researchers Reveal: Latin American Banks Targeted by Mispadu Banking Trojan.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

HinataBot: The Latest Go-based Threat Is Launching DDoS Attacks

New Go-Based Botnet Exploits Vulnerabilities and Weak Credentials.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Makop Ransomware: The Arsenal of Cybercriminals Becomes Known

Recent Intrusion Leads to Makop Ransomware Gang Toolkit Reveal.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Fake Job Proposals Used to Deploy Malware - Security Researchers Targeted

Threat Actors Use Social Engineering Techniques to Persuade Their Victims.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Netwire RAT Malware Infrastructure Seized Following Joint International Operation

International Law Enforcement Seizes Malware Selling Website – Croatian Admin Arrested.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Lazarus Group Hacks South Korean Financial Entity via Zero-Day Vulnerability

The Notorious Hacker Group Is Once Again Under the Scope of Cybersecurity Researchers.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Chinese Hackers Are Using a New Backdoor to Deploy Malware

Researchers Uncover Recent Mustang Panda Campaign Aimed at Political Organizations.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

GootLoader and FakeUpdates Malware Campaign Targets Law Firms

Six Law Firms​ ​Have Been Hit by Malware Infections Since the Beginning of 2023.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

ChromeLoader Malware Is Targeting Gamers

Researchers Discovered Malicious Hacks for Nintendo and Steam Games.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Researchers Warn: Cybercriminals Are Targeting Data Center Providers

Worldwide Data Center Organizations Breached – US Law Enforcement Agencies Have Been Alerted.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

RailYatri Data Breach Leaves Over 30 Million Users Exposed

Inadequate Security Measures Lead to Massive Data Breach for Indian Ticket Vendor.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Indian Government Agencies Targeted by Updated ReverseRAT Backdoor

Researchers Warn About the Most Recent Activity from the Threat Group SideCopy.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Chinese Hackers Use ShadowPad Against South American Diplomatic Entities

Despite the Extensive Documentation Around It, ShadowPad Is still Used by Threat Actors.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Lazarus Hackers Use New Mixer to Hide Stolen Cryptocurrency

The North Korean APT Is Using the Crypto-mixing Service Sinbad to Avoid U.S. Sactions.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

North Korean Hackers Target the Healthcare Sector with Ransomware

The Ransomware Operations Are Meant to Bring Illegal Revenue to the North Korean State.

Cybersecurity Basics | INTERMEDIATE READ

UEBA 101: An Introduction to User and Entity Behavior Analytics

UEBA – What Is It and How Can It Benefit Your Business?

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

PixPirate Malware Is Actively Stealing Banking Passwords

New Android Malware Campaign Found Targeting the Pix Instant Payment Platform.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Identity Reveal: Threat Actor Behind Golden Chicken Malware Service Exposed

Extensive Investigation Uncovers Hacker`s Identity, Social Media Accounts and More.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Aurora Infostealer Malware Deploys Shapeshifting Tactics

Malware Spreading Campaign Observed Using Replicated Popular Apps.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Lazarus Group Is Responsible for $100 Million Cryptocurrency Theft

FBI Confirms North Korean Cybergang Involvement in Harmony Horizon Breach.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Russian Hackers Responsible for Attack on Samsung

Genesis Day Gang Leaks Sample Data Belonging to South Korean Giant.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

BackdoorDiplomacy Is Going after Iranian Government Entities

The Chinese Threat Actor Is Linked to a Wave of Cyberattacks Directed at Iranian Organizations.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Malicious VPN Installers Used to Infect Devices with Spyware

EyeSpy Surveillanceware Campaign Has Been Observed Actively Infecting Machines.

Cybersecurity News | QUICK READ

Microsoft's VALL-E AI Needs 3 Seconds to Realistically Imitate Your Voice

The Latest Microsoft AI Model Can Replicate Even Speaker’s Emotion.

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