Heimdal Security Blog

What Is a Vulnerability Management Program?

What Is Vulnerability Management?

Vulnerability Management refers to the security practices that proactively identify, prevent, mitigate, and classify vulnerabilities within an IT system, and is an important part of any cybersecurity strategy. Some cybersecurity analysts even say that Vulnerability Management is the foundation of information security programs.

The goal of vulnerability management is to lessen the overall risk exposure that vulnerabilities give to the organization. This can be a challenging task given the large number of potential vulnerabilities and the constrained resources available for remediation.

What Is a Vulnerability Management Program?

Vulnerability management programs are used to identify, rank, emphasize, improve, and rectify vulnerabilities that are usually found in software and networks.

An effective vulnerability management program constantly monitors, analyses, and assesses risk. Usually, behind a vulnerability management program is a vulnerability scanner that automatically assesses and understands risk across the entire infrastructure of an organization.

The Vulnerability Management Program in Four Steps

When looking to implement or improve your vulnerability management program, there are four steps you should be considering:

1. Identifying Vulnerabilities

The first and most important phase of a vulnerability management process is to reveal all of the vulnerabilities that may exist across your environment. Identification is crucial for an organization to know what vulnerabilities are potential threats. To make it even easier, we recommend automating the process.

2. Evaluating Vulnerabilities

Once all the vulnerabilities have been identified as part of the first step, the next step consists of evaluating the said vulnerabilities appropriately, according to the level of risk they pose to your organization, and your organization’s risk-based vulnerability management program.

Vulnerabilities should be prioritized by their severity. Vulnerability scores (CVSS) can help you determine how to rank the vulnerabilities they’ve discovered, but it’s also important to consider other factors to form a complete understanding of the true risk posed by any given vulnerability. The gravity of a vulnerability should determine how quickly it is remediated.

3. Tackling the Vulnerabilities

After the evaluation stage and prioritizing vulnerabilities based on risk factor, it’s important to properly address them. Depending on the vulnerability, you can follow one of the two paths:

4. Reporting the Vulnerabilities

To effectively manage the risk that vulnerabilities represent, organizations must increase the speed and accuracy with which you identify and address vulnerabilities. For this reason, many organisations regularly evaluate the effectiveness of their vulnerability management programme. For this, they might make use of the visual reporting features offered by vulnerability management tools.

How to Strengthen Your Vulnerability Management Program: Tips & Tricks

The fast change rate in hacking methods and techniques in the current cybersecurity landscape has made the idea of a safe environment more and more difficult, causing many organizations and individuals to simply react to these threats. However, organizations that are taking their cybersecurity status seriously are looking for ways to foresightedly seek those vulnerabilities throughout the network environment that hackers would exploit to gain access and follow through with their actions to a malicious end.

How Can Heimdal® Help Your Organization?

Taking into consideration the fast change rate in today’s cybersecurity landscape, and the fact that new vulnerabilities appear every hour, relying on a manually-driven vulnerability management strategy can make it difficult to identify vulnerabilities in a timely manner.

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One way or another, vulnerabilities need to be remediated. Too many times have organizations sat back and acknowledged minimal vulnerabilities because of time or profit loss impediments only to have a major security breach occur not long afterward. Bypassing these threats by implementing a firm vulnerability management program makes sure that you can identify, inform, and prioritize vulnerabilities before they turn into a data breach. Thus, your organization can engage a solid security standpoint regardless of what threat actor tries to breach your network.

Maintaining and supporting a continuous vulnerability management program allows you to assess the effectiveness of its vulnerability discovery, analysis, and mitigation, and provides guidance in future decision-making.

You should always make the necessary adjustments in your processes along the way, ensuring that your company maintains an exhaustive understanding of its critical assets and keeps its infrastructure secured.

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