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Copenhagen, February 15, 2022 – To address the challenges of the pandemic in cybersecurity and provide a better understanding of what constitutes proper online security, Heimdal™ CEO Morten Kjærsgaard had a talk with CyberNews, a leading research-based online publication that educates and protects consumers around the world from complex security risks.

For more insight on what do cybercriminals usually look for when choosing their next target, the challenges of insider threat, security issues that often remain overlooked, and what is next for Heimdal in 2022, make sure you read the full interview.

Our lives have significantly changed over the last two years, shifting our daily routine almost entirely to the digital realm. Consequently, it posed more cybersecurity challenges and introduced additional opportunities for threat actors. As a result, the attention to high-quality malware prevention has risen along with the introduction of additional cybersecurity services. Yet, is it enough to get one or two security tools to combat malicious hackers? And how many would be enough?

Cybersecurity has become an ever-present issue in business boardrooms as threat actors have become more sophisticated, better equipped, and bolder in their acts. Board members and C-suite executives have also become more aware of the hazard as the number of successful breaches has climbed in recent years. However, the emergence of COVID-19 has shifted the paradigm even further for many organizations.

As Morten describes it,

The pandemic has created a “new normal” and has offered cybercriminals many more attack possibilities and targets. As a result of government limitations implemented in reaction to the coronavirus pandemic, employees have been encouraged to work from home, and technology has become even more vital in both our professional and personal lives. Because of the increased vulnerability to cyber danger, the rise in remote working necessitates closer attention on cybersecurity. Cybercriminals perceive the pandemic as an opportunity to ramp up their criminal activities by exploiting the susceptibility of remote workers and relying on the public’s intense interest in coronavirus-related news (e.g. malicious fake coronavirus-related websites).Morten Kjaersgaard, Heimdal™ Security: “43% or more of the cyberattacks victims are small to mid-size enterprises”

As a leading European provider of cloud-based cybersecurity solutions, Heimdal devotes a significant amount of time and resources to threat hunting. Unsafe Wi-Fi networks, utilizing personal devices for work, unencrypted file sharing, email scams, neglecting fundamental security procedures in public areas, and, most critically, ransomware and DDoS attacks are the most typical remote work-related security concerns. All of this necessitates significant cybersecurity updates: any organization that wishes to avoid losing money, time, or reputation must deploy and use threat prevention, email security, a strong firewall and antivirus, invest in cybersecurity awareness, and have a proper incident response strategy in place.

While cost-cutting measures may be necessary for many areas, smart businesses may decide to boost their IT spending in the months and years ahead. Companies should consider increasing their efforts in cyber security, better-integrated communications, automation, and improved IT administration.

Although the market does not lack options when it comes to cybersecurity products, the ability to provide customers with all the protection they need and real-time visibility into all areas of a company’s cybersecurity with only one solution, which can be administered from a single, easy dashboard, will make the difference and tip the scales.

Make sure you request a demo of our products and see how they suit you – although I can already bet your IT team will love them.

Author Profile

Cezarina Dinu

Head of Marketing Communications & PR

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Cezarina is the Head of Marketing Communications and PR within Heimdal® and a cybersecurity enthusiast who loves bringing her background in content marketing, UX, and data analysis together into one job. She has a fondness for all things SEO and is always open to receiving suggestions, comments, or questions.