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Heimdal™ and CSIS are excited to announce that the promising network technology of Secure DNS and the strong E-mail Security and Spamfilter Centium will be handled by Heimdal Security in the future. The former CSIS Secure DNS becomes Heimdal™ Threat Prevention Network, and CSIS’s Centium becomes Heimdal™ Email Security

The two cybersecurity products initially developed by CSIS, complement the existing Heimdal™ Security solutions perfectly and boost the cybersecurity and cyber-resilience of B2B customers dramatically, with a strong vision to enhance the line-up even further. “Our ambition is to create unique technology and combine the two new products with our existing lineup in such a way, that we further extend the verticals we cover in the market. When we are done integrating these products, customers will clearly see our market leadership in each vertical.  Heimdal’s™ long-term development strategy is to make products that are unique and serve as segment leaders, but which in combination with our portfolio are unbeatable in security and ease of use. Welcoming the Centium E-mail Protection and Secure DNS in the Heimdal™ Security family is the next logical step in our expansion, raising our new threat intelligence insight and ability to prevent attacks even further.”, says Morten Kjaersgaard, CEO, Heimdal™. Both solutions will be not only enhanced but also rebranded in the near future. Centium E-Mail Protection will be rebranded as Heimdal™ Email Security and Spamfilter and can be combined with the existing Heimdal™ Email Fraud Prevention.

How Will Centium Work under the Heimdal™ Email Security Offering?

Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks are more and more of a problem to businesses worldwide. Heimdal™ Email Security E-Mail Fraud Prevention is the solution with which Heimdal™ Security is rising to the challenge. This cybersecurity mail safety product harnesses intel from 125 different vectors in order to accurately detect CEO Fraud, fake account numbers and attempts to tamper with payment documents. But Heimdal™ Email Security does not work as an email spam filter, it is meant to serve as an ideal complement to such a filter. This is where the Centium E-Mail Protection (Heimdal™ Email Security and Spamfilter) kicks in. With this new highly effective spam mail filter set in place, the cybersecurity email combo will be virtually impenetrable to scammers and will work in unison across perimeter and endpoint devices. More details on the specific features of the new Email Security Product will be communicated once the product is launched in its rebranded and enhanced form.

How Will Secure DNS Work?

In a similar way, Heimdal™ Threat Prevention Network, the new Secure DNS perimeter security product comes to extend the existing Heimdal™ Security products perfectly. Complementing our existing flagship and award-winning Heimdal™ Threat Prevention endpoint solution for companies. The suite features DarkLayer Guard ™, the actual DNS filtering component that works its magic at the endpoint level, protecting each device against all kinds of DNS-level threats. While everyone agrees that a strong DNS filter protection is mandatory, especially in a business environment, opinions vary on where the filter should be located. Our existing solution, DarkLayer Guard ™ secures the DNS internet traffic on the endpoint level, while the newly added product, Secure DNS, acts on perimeter level, supplementing a corporate firewall. Therefore, the CSIS Secure DNS cybersecurity solution is a most welcome addition to our suite and will be built to work in coordination with both the endpoint and E-Mail Security offering, leaving no enterprise security area uncovered. More details on the exact features of DNS Filter will be announced upon the product launch in a rebranded and enriched version.

Looking to the future

Existing customers of the two CSIS products will be handled by Heimdal™ in a seamless transition process. In time, as the two cybersecurity solutions evolve, more Heimdal™ infrastructure will be integrated for these clients, in order to allow a more intelligent and unique combination of defense mechanisms. If used together, these can operate in unison, creating the future of EDR with a system acting on many verticals of IOC/IOA on behalf of the users, disrupting how ML/AI will be designed in the future. “We want to be the truly new and innovative security provider, which outclass and outperform in each vertical we service, but when we unify cross-vertical technologies, we will offer something never seen before.”, ends Morten Kjaersgaard, CEO, Heimdal™. About Heimdal Security: Heimdal Security is an emerging cybersecurity company, founded in 2014 in Copenhagen. Since then, the company has grown spectacularly, earning awards and short-listings for both its proactive security suite (Anti-Ransomware Solution of the Year and Anti-Malware Solution of the Year in 2018 and 2019) and for its blog, providing intelligence to security outlets worldwide (Most Educational Security Blog in 2016).