We’re always open to other security experts weighing in on cybersecurity topics.
If you think you have something valuable to contribute to our blog, we welcome your ideas.
Before you send us a pitch, please consider the following:
- Response time – We are busy people, so it may take up to one week for you to get an answer after the initial email. Be patient, we’re getting to you soon.
- Content quality – The Heimdal Security blog has been recognized for its educational content, winning the Most Educational Blog Award Europe in 2016 and being a finalist in the 2022 European Cybersecurity Blogger Awards.
We are committed to providing well-researched and helpful articles to our readers. Therefore, we accept only top-quality guest posts. If your submission does not meet our standards, we may reject it without extensive feedback.
- Originality – Your content must be original and not published elsewhere. It should not infringe on any copyright laws. Upon publication, we will retain the copyright to your content, meaning it cannot be republished elsewhere.
How to proceed?
First, send us an email at, with one or a few topics you can confidently write about. Think of how you are helping our readers and the community protect themselves better from cyber threats with the info you are bringing to the table.
Before pitching an idea, do a quick search on our blog and make sure the topic is not something we already covered. Also, do not send us completed articles. Unsolicited manuscripts will be ignored. We need to approve the topic idea first.
If you’re accepted…
Then make sure you edit your piece according to the following guidelines before you send us the completed version.
- Recommended length: between 1000 and 1500 words.
- Personal opinions, stories, and experience are always more valuable to us than general information compiled from online sources.
- Don’t make any claims or use facts and figures without mentioning the source for your data.
- Graphs and charts that accompany your content are more than welcome and encouraged.
- We can include one link to your website or blog.
Looking forward to your contributions and to working together!
The Heimdal Security Content team.