Heimdal Security Blog

Ring Doorbell Encryption Now Provided by Amazon

New Ring doorbell encryption solution has been provided by Amazon for video and audio traffic security. So, from now on, if you have a Ring camera that records who enters your place or who’s near your home, this data is not so easily made available to law enforcement or anyone.

What’s Ring Doorbell?

Amazon owns Ring, a company that offers smart security for your home. The Ring doorbell is basically a home-security device that monitors (video and audio) who is at your door every time it detects motion. So, even if you are not at home, the Ring doorbell will record everything and you can see the video through your Ring app.

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Now, customers around the world, with eligible Ring devices, can opt into video End-to-End Encryption, to add an extra layer of security that only allows their videos to be viewed on their chosen mobile device. This advanced security option is simple to set up via the Ring app, and offers additional peace of mind and protection.


What Does This New Ring Doorbell Encryption Do?

If until now, the videos recorded by your Ring doorbell could be easily accessed by a malicious hacker or the police, now the new E2EE (End-to-End Encryption) provided by Amazon makes video private by encrypting them.

Here’s how it works:

The company has had in plan earlier this year to perform a technical preview of the End-to-End Encryption. If Ring encrypted videos uploaded to cloud or servers in the past by default, now, with the new E2EE extra feature, nobody has access to the decryption key and video recording unless the owner of the device. So, law enforcement will not have automated access to your private data, you should provide it if required.

This measure comes as a result of the request made by The Electronic Frontier Foundation who asked Ring to work on this feature, stated BBC:

Consumers’ choice to buy a camera cannot and should not be a way to launder mass surveillance and streamline digital racial profiling.


Other Specifications

Following the new Ring doorbell encryption, you should also know, as ZDNet mentions:

Even if the police have no access to the video because of the ring doorbell encryption, they can post their request to users to Ring’s Neighbors App. Matthew Guariglia, an EFF analyst, also mentioned:

If your town’s police department has a partnership with Ring, you can also anticipate getting email requests from them asking for footage from your camera any time a suspected crime occurs nearby.
