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It’s no secret that mobile devices have become a part of our everyday lives. Regrettably, sometimes these devices get lost or stolen. This is why Mobile Device Management (MDM) software can really make a difference. Using MDM software across your organization’s mobile devices helps as it allows the IT department to not only locate a particular device but also to block it and even wipe its contents in case it falls into potentially dangerous hands.

What is MDM Software?

We can define Mobile Device Management as any software that allows IT to automate any device that is directly connected to an organization’s network, such as laptops, printers, smartphones, tablets, and further control and secure their administrative policies.

In short, MDM software provides you with the fundamental visibility and IT controls needed to secure, manage, and monitor any company or employee-­owned device.

How Does MDM Work

To put it simply, mobile device management depends on two things: an MDM server and software installed on devices (user endpoints).

To define how users can use their devices while connected to the company network, IT administrators set, adapt and change policies on a central MDM server. Once they finish, they assign the server to forward the new policies to all the user endpoints. Ultimately, the MDM software automatically applies the changes to their devices.

This gives an IT department the ability to monitor and control activity. MDM can allow your IT department to lock or unlock a device remotely, or monitor employees’ internet activity. These services can also prevent your staff from downloading certain applications or visiting unsafe websites on their work device.

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As you can imagine, MDM software apps go beyond simple permissions and access restrictions. IT administrators can also use the central server to provide updates or install new programs on endpoint devices. Generally speaking, as long as it is compatible with the device’s operating system, the MDM admin can arrange any policy provided by the MDM server.

Benefits of Using MDM Software

#1. It increases security

MDM keeps your business data protected and ensures your company retains control over confidential information. If a mobile device is lost or stolen, MDM can remotely lock and wipe all data, thus keeping it safe from threats like malware or security breaches.

If you want your business to gain control over policies, apps, and other functions, MDM is the best solution as it can block unsafe websites and suspicious content from employees.

When securing corporate information for a mobile workforce, sandboxing is key. Also known as “containerization”, this feature isolates corporate data and applications from employee data and prevents mobile-based attacks, risky user activity, and even simple accidents from interacting with specific apps with sensitive corporate information.

#2. It cuts down costs

MDM allows companies to embrace Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the workplace to save on employee device costs and free up funds for the core of your business.

The wiping and sandboxing capabilities of MDM software minimize and comprise the damaging impact of unsecured website visits and infected downloads. You’ll no longer have to worry about hefty costs, inconveniences, or potential reputation loss as a result of malware and security breaches. Another benefit of MDM software is employee mobile usage tracking. The software notifies administrators and can even block costly behaviors like data and minute overages.

If your organization is the victim of a data breach and the incident becomes public, this could result in serious reputation damage and business opportunity loss. However, with MDM, your organization won’t be facing either of these unfortunate situations. MDM allows organizations to avoid massive fines and potential business and reputation loss through data wiping and sandboxing.

#3. You gain efficiency

Since MDM software is centrally managed, it cuts down the time and resources spent on IT administration. The software can install, update, and remove applications, policies, and settings from one management dashboard, making it easy to establish consistent mobile experiences for future staff, keep security settings up-to-date with current employees, and remove access for devices that are no longer in use.

MDM also provides asset management tracking, meaning you can easily identify which mobile device was assigned to which employee. The software allows your IT department to give updates and provide replacements to your workforce’s mobile devices when required. MDM’s central management and asset tracking feature greatly reduces the amount of time and resources required by IT departments to manage mobile devices.

Wrapping It Up…

So, if you haven’t implemented MDM already, I will say it again – MDM software and MDM apps are a necessity for every organization. Without MDM, the chance of losing client information due to security breaches, and damaging your corporate reputation is high. MDM software eliminates security risks from your organization and brings cost savings and efficiencies.

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How do you manage mobile devices in your organization? What are your thoughts on Mobile Device Management? I would love to read your comments in the section below!

Author Profile

Cezarina Dinu

Head of Marketing Communications & PR

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Cezarina is the Head of Marketing Communications and PR within Heimdal® and a cybersecurity enthusiast who loves bringing her background in content marketing, UX, and data analysis together into one job. She has a fondness for all things SEO and is always open to receiving suggestions, comments, or questions.