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A Saturday night ransomware attack forced the André-Mignot teaching hospital in the Paris outskirts to shut down its phone and computer systems. According to the co-chairman of the hospital’s supervisory board, Richard Delepierre, the threat actors have already demanded a ransom.

Delepierre told RFI that he does not know the sum requested by the threat actors, but that the hospital is not intending on paying it.

Patients Transferred to Other Hospitals

The hospital had to partially halt operations, so it now only accepts walk-ins and appointments. According to France’s Minister of Health and Prevention, François Braun, it was also compelled to move six patients from its newborn and intensive care departments to other medical facilities.

Taking the health of the French hostage is inadmissible. I was this evening with Jean-Noël Barrot with the teams of the André-Mignot hospital, victim of a cyberattack… All our means are deployed alongside the professionals mobilized to ensure the care of patients.

François Braun, France’s Minister of Health and Prevention

The Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency (ARS) advised patients who already had appointments scheduled or planned interventions (such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy) to get in touch with their doctor or the department to which they were assigned so that they could be directed to a treatment unit that was open.

How the Hospital Mitigated the Situation?

According to Jean-Noël Barrot, the Minister Delegate in charge of Digital Transition and Telecommunications, the hospital isolated the infected systems immediately to prevent the malware from spreading to other devices. The French National Authority for Security and Defense of Information Systems (ANSSI) was informed of the event as soon as it was identified.

ANSSI is now investigating the incident alongside the Paris prosecutor’s office, which also opened an investigation into hacking state data and attempted extorsion.

This incident comes only months after the ransomware campaign at Center Hospitalier Sud Francilien (CHSF), a hospital located only 28 km away from the center of Paris, where the threat actors demanded a ransom of $10,000,000.

At the moment of writing this article, it is unknown who is responsible for the ransomware operation on the André-Mignot hospital.

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Cristian Neagu


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Cristian is a Content Editor & Creator at Heimdal®, where he developed a deep understanding of the digital threat landscape. His style resonates with both technical and non-technical readers, proof being in his skill of communicating cybersecurity norms effectively, in an easy-to-understand manner.