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Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) discovered multiple fake Zoom sites created to spread malware among Zoom users.

The sites were created with a similar user interface and disguised the malware as Zoom’s legitime application.

The whole discovery was triggered by a tweet mentioning the apparition of those sites:

Details About the Malware

CRIL analyzed the malware deployed by the fake sites and established that it was Vidar Stealer, a malicious code that has links to the Arkei stealer.

Vidar is designed to steal information from an infected device, including:

  • Banking Information
  • Saved Passwords
  • IP Addresses
  • Browser history
  • Login credentials
  • Crypto-wallets

Here is a list of fake Zoom sites to avoid:

  • zoom-download[.]host
  • zoom-download[.]space
  • zoom-download[.]fun
  • zoomus[.]host
  • zoomus[.]tech
  • zoomus[.]website

How Vidar Malware Works

The deceiving sites redirect users to this GitHub URL to download a malicious application: https[:]//github[.]com/sgrfbnfhgrhthr/csdvmghfmgfd/raw/main/Zoom.zip

The malicious application, upon execution, drops two binaries in the temporary folder:

  • Decoder.exe

A malicious .NET binary named Decoder.exe is injected into MSBuild.exe and executes the hackers’ code in order to steal information from the machine.

MSBuild (Microsoft Build Engine) is a platform that is used to create applications that are built using the .NET Framework. While the ZOOMIN~1.EXE file is a clean file and it executes the genuine Zoom installer only.


After being injected into MSBuild.exe, the malware retrieves the IP addresses linked to the DLLs and configuration data.

Fake Zoom Sites Deploying Vidar Malware


In this way, the malicious application receives the configuration data both from the C&C server and DLLs.

In order to remove itself from the victim’s device, the malware uses the following command line arguments after successfully executing the following commands:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe” /c taskkill /im MSBuild.exe /f & timeout /t 6 & del /f /q

“C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe” & del C:\PrograData\*.dll & exit


How to Stay Safe

To stay safe on the Internet, there are several essential cybersecurity measures you can adopt:

  • Avoid as much as possible using warez/torrent websites for downloading apps.
  • Chose a strong password and implement multi-factor authentication.
  • Constantly update all your systems and devices.
  • Use a strong anti-virus program.
  • Don’t open suspicious links or attachments.
  • Invest in educating your employees so they will not be victims of phishing emails or social engineering.
  • Block any URL used to spread malware.
  • Monitor your network to prevent data exfiltration.

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Author Profile

Andreea Chebac

Digital Content Creator

Andreea is a digital content creator within Heimdal® with a great belief in the educational power of content.