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Less than a third of Brazilian organizations are having cybersecurity teams in place, even though most businesses frequently suffer cyberattacks.

57% of businesses from areas like education, financial services, insurance, technology and telecommunications, health, and retail are constantly being targeted by cybercriminals according to a study by Instituto Datafolha commissioned by Mastercard.

In the study was found as well that only 32% of the organizations polled have dedicated cybersecurity teams, with 80% of respondents claiming that digital security matters are important to them and that they have a plan put in place in order to deal with any potential cyberattacks, but this is not prioritized from a budgetary standpoint for 39% of the polled companies.

In the segments analyzed in the survey, financial services, insurance, technology, and telecommunications were amongst the most prepared in terms of cybersecurity readiness, but on the other hand, the education and healthcare sectors were the most vulnerable.

It looks like the areas that are most susceptible to hacker attacks are the finance department and customer databases.

The survey comes to show the findings of a separate study on perceptions of cybersecurity risk in Latin America since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, in which it was shown that most Brazilian companies did not increase their investments in information and cybersecurity since the emergence of the pandemic despite seeing an increase in threats, with the majority of Brazilian companies investing only 10% or less of their IT budget in that area.

The findings in the above-mentioned survey are coming after the Brazilian National Data has released its strategy and goals for the next two years in a document outlining advances that it intends to achieve, and its three strategic objectives: strengthening of the culture of personal data protection; establishing the regulatory environment for the protection of personal data; and improving the conditions for legal compliance.

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The document listed the strategic actions that will be taken to achieve the short, medium, and long-term objectives as well as the indicators to assess the goals that will be adopted over the period between 2021 and 2023.

According to the ANPD’s strategy document, the creation of a body’s overall direction is a complex and integrated exercise, which seeks to converge perceptions about what is important for an organization to achieve its vision, respecting its mission and values.


Author Profile

Dora Tudor

Cyber Security Enthusiast

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Dora is a digital marketing specialist within Heimdal™ Security. She is a content creator at heart - always curious about technology and passionate about finding out everything there is to know about cybersecurity.